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TOUR: P.U.S.H (People, United for Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus)

Purpose: ‘Unite & Share’ – The purpose of the tour was to use music to raise local, and global, awareness of the conditions, while uniting, and sharing, in the experience of music, to collaborate and create something that builds community, and tells a story, through the arts


The 6th city of the first ever ‘A Song, A City’: UK/Europe Tour 2013, was Amsterdam, Holland.


While visiting Amsterdam, the duo visited a local clinic that specializes in working with young people who live with Spina Bifida/Hydrocephalus, interacting and playing for, a number of young folks who took a massive shine to the power of music.


The duo also played a gig at a local venue called ‘Muziekcafe’, a small venue in the heart of the city, and they wrote a song called ‘Madness Under The Light’


Song: Madness Under The Light – A Song inspired by the culture, community, diversity, and inclusivity that makes Amsterdam such a unique city to experience, and be part of

Madness Under The Light


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