TOUR: P.U.S.H (People, United for Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus)
Purpose: ‘Unite & Share’ – The purpose of the tour was to use music to raise local, and global, awareness of the conditions, while uniting, and sharing, in the experience of music, to collaborate and create something that builds community, and tells a story, through the arts
The ‘A Song, A City’ Tour: UK/Europe 2013 visited Brussels, Belgium, the home of the International Federation of Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus.
During the tours visit in Brussels, the duo not only visited the head office, performing for the staff, and learning more about the local & global work of the Federation, however the duo also played for the staff.
While visiting Belgium, and in partnership with the International Federation, the duo also played a gig at a local Venue called ‘Café De Sound’, with a number of local friends of Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus in attendance.
The duo wrote their 7th song of the Tour, Self-Titled, ‘The Loud Whisperer’ in Brussels on their final day.
Song: ‘The Loud Whisperer’ – A Song written by Jay Baty, and inspired by truth, and authenticity. Following your passion to be the best version of yourself, and leaning on the people who amplify your ability to do so.